

إطارات علامات الطريق & بين قوسين


علامات الوقوف المتأرجح

علامات الوقوف المتأرجح

Optsigns Swing Stand Signs are manufactured in accordance with Australian standards and are widely used to manage traffic and warn motorists of roadworks, roadway closure, speed reduction, وغيرها من ظروف الطريق الخطرة.


فصل 1 Reflective Film for Greater Visibility
تقنية طباعة مقاومة للبهتان مع قوالب مختلفة
Heavy-Duty Galvanized Steel Frame for Increased Stability
مقاومة للتآكل ومقاوم للطقس للاستخدام في الهواء الطلق
إطار قابل للطي لسهولة التخزين والنقل
رمز التخزين التعريفي:

ميزات المنتج

علامات الوقوف المتأرجحOptsigns Swing Stand Signs are expertly crafted to meet Australian standards, making them a reliable solution for effective traffic management. These Swing Stand Signs are widely utilized to inform motorists of roadworks, إغلاق الطريق, تخفيضات السرعة, and other hazardous conditions on the road. Designed for high visibility and durability, Swing Stand Signs can withstand various weather conditions, ensuring clear communication of important information to drivers. Their versatile design allows for easy setup and repositioning, making them ideal for both temporary and permanent applications in diverse traffic environments.

تواصل معنا

اترك رسالة تتضمن أسئلتك وسيقوم مستشارونا بالرد عليك 24 ساعات.

*نحن نحترم سريتك وجميع المعلومات محمية.

مواصفات المنتج

مقاس 600*450مم, 600*600مم, 900*600مم, 1200*600مم, 1200*900مم
Thickness 0.6mm Galvanized Steel Plate with 2 Hanging Holes
فيلم عاكس الدرجة الهندسية, فصل 1, قابلة للتخصيص
Finish Galvanized or Yellow Powder Coated Frame
تخصيص Custom Text, الشعار, Film Grade and Stand Size

كيفية استخدام المنتج

Using Optsigns swing stand frame sign is straightforward and effective for enhancing road safety. أولاً, position the swing stand frame sign in a visible location to alert motorists of upcoming hazards, such as roadworks or speed reductions. Ensure that the swing stand frame sign is stable and securely anchored to prevent tipping in windy conditions. Regularly check the swing stand frame sign for any damage or wear, and reposition it as needed to maintain optimal visibility and effectiveness. من خلال اتباع هذه الخطوات, you can ensure that swing stand frame signs effectively communicate critical information to drivers and improve safety on the road.

علامات الوقوف المتأرجح

الأسئلة المتداولة

What are Swing Stand Signs used for?

Swing Stand Signs are designed to manage traffic and warn motorists of various road conditions, بما في ذلك أعمال الطرق, closures, تخفيضات السرعة, and other hazards. Their clear messaging helps enhance road safety.

Are swing frame signs compliant with Australian standards?

نعم, Optsigns swing frame signs are manufactured in accordance with Australian standards, ensuring swing frame signs meet all necessary regulations for traffic management and safety.

How durable are metal swing frame signs?

Metal swing frame signs are built to be durable and weather-resistant, allowing them to withstand various environmental conditions. This makes them suitable for both indoor and outdoor use.

Can metal swing frame signs be used in high-traffic areas?

قطعاً! Metal swing frame signs are designed for high visibility and are effective in high-traffic areas. Their stability and clear messaging help ensure that motorists are aware of potential hazards.

Do traffic road signs require any maintenance?

While traffic road signs are designed to be durable, regular maintenance is recommended. Check for traffic road signs of wear, ensure traffic road signs are clean for maximum visibility, and reposition them as needed to maintain effectiveness.

What types of messages can be displayed on Swing Stand Signs?

Swing Stand Signs can display a variety of messages, including warnings for roadworks, speed limits, إغلاق الطرق, and other safety information. Customization options are often available to suit specific traffic management needs.