

منارات LED


منارات LED النوع الأساسي

منارات LED النوع الأساسي

Optsigns LED Beacons are heavy-duty warning lamps with 360-degree light distribution, which can be mounted on a variety of vehicles and used with traffic signs. The beacon lights are your ideal solution to roadworks, مواقع البناء, emergency incidents, traffic accidents, and other traffic management situations.


High Brightness LEDs with 1 Mile Visible Range
Magnetic Base Attached to Magnetic Metal Surface
استهلاك طاقة منخفض للغاية
تركيب سريع وسهل الصيانة
مضاد للأشعة فوق البنفسجية ومقاوم للعوامل الجوية للاستخدام في الهواء الطلق
رمز التخزين التعريفي:

ميزات المنتج

منارات LEDOptsigns LED Beacons are high-performance safety lights designed to provide exceptional visibility in various applications. Featuring cutting-edge LED technology, these LED Beacons offer powerful illumination with low power consumption, making them ideal for use in emergency vehicles, مناطق البناء, أعمال الطرق, and industrial sites. With their durable, weather-resistant design, LED Beacons ensure reliable performance in all weather conditions, ensuring that they remain operational in rain, ثلج, or extreme temperatures. Whether for alerting drivers of hazards or marking restricted areas, Optsigns LED Beacons deliver long-lasting, bright visibility to enhance safety in high-traffic or hazardous environments.

تواصل معنا

اترك رسالة تتضمن أسئلتك وسيقوم مستشارونا بالرد عليك 24 ساعات.

*نحن نحترم سريتك وجميع المعلومات محمية.

مواصفات المنتج

Standard Type
مقاس 165mm Dia.*130mm
Lamps 72*0.25w LED
Flashing Pattern 3
Voltage: DC 12V DC 12V
لون: العنبر, Blue, أحمر, أبيض, قابلة للتخصيص العنبر, Blue, أحمر, أبيض, قابلة للتخصيص
IP Rating IP65 Waterproof
خيارات Rotating HID Beacon, Magnetic Base, Cigarette Lighter Plug

كيفية استخدام المنتج

Using Optsigns flashing beacon light is straightforward and efficient for improving visibility and safety. Once the flashing beacon light is securely placed on the desired surface, simply activate the power to turn on the bright LED flashing beacon light. These flashing beacon lights provide 360-degree illumination, making them highly effective in warning drivers and pedestrians of potential hazards. للحصول على أفضل النتائج, use LED flashing beacon lights in areas that require high visibility, such as emergency sites, مناطق البناء, or traffic management areas. Regularly inspect and clean the flashing beacon lights to ensure optimal brightness and functionality.

منارات LED النوع الأساسي

الأسئلة المتداولة

What are LED safety beacons typically used for?

LED safety beacons are versatile safety lights commonly used in emergency vehicles, مواقع البناء, أعمال الطرق, and industrial areas. LED safety beacons provide 360-degree illumination to alert drivers and pedestrians of potential hazards, improving overall safety.

Do LED Beacons work in all weather conditions?

نعم, Optsigns rotating beacon lights are designed to be weather-resistant, ensuring reliable performance in rain, ثلج, ودرجات الحرارة القصوى. This makes them suitable for both outdoor and indoor applications where visibility is essential.

How long do LED Beacons last on a single charge or battery?

The battery life of rotating beacon lights depends on usage and the specific model. لكن, rotating beacon lights are designed for energy efficiency, providing extended operation times to minimize the need for frequent recharges or battery replacements.

Are LED Beacons visible during the day?

نعم, Optsigns LED Beacons are designed to be highly visible even in daylight. The powerful LED technology ensures that the LED Beacon’s bright light can be seen in a variety of lighting conditions, making them effective for both daytime and nighttime use.

Can LED Beacons be used for traffic control?

قطعاً. LED Beacons are highly effective for traffic management, helping to alert drivers of roadwork zones, الالتفاف, or emergency situations. Their 360-degree visibility ensures they can be seen from all angles, تعزيز السلامة على الطرق.

What is the main benefit of using LED Beacons over traditional warning lights?

LED Beacons offer several advantages over traditional warning lights, including superior brightness, lower power consumption, and longer lifespan. The use of LED technology also ensures better visibility in both daylight and nighttime conditions, making LED Beacon more efficient and reliable for safety applications.