

أضواء الحاجز


نوع البطاريات المزدوجة

نوع البطاريات المزدوجة

Optsigns Barricade Warning Lights with double batteries are featured with cutting-edge LED optical lens technology and ultra-low power consumption, which can be mounted on drums, المتاريس, أو أي نوع من الحواجز لضمان سلامة أعمال الطرق, معابر المشاة, مواقع البناء, صناعة التعدين, مواقف السيارات, وغيرها من مجالات إدارة المرور.


High Brightness LEDs with 1 Mile Visible Range
قاعدة PP مقاومة للصدمات لزيادة الثبات
التحكم التلقائي في السطوع باستخدام الخلية الكهروضوئية
استهلاك طاقة منخفض للغاية
مضاد للأشعة فوق البنفسجية ومقاوم للعوامل الجوية للاستخدام في الهواء الطلق
تركيب سريع وسهل الصيانة
رمز التخزين التعريفي:

ميزات المنتج


Optsigns barricade lights are essential safety devices designed to improve visibility and alertness in various environments. Featuring advanced LED technology, these barricade lights provide bright, eye-catching illumination that can be easily seen in low-light conditions and adverse weather. Barricade lights are ideal for use on construction sites, أعمال الطرق, and events, ensuring that barricades, المخاريط, and other traffic management devices are clearly visible to drivers and pedestrians. Their durable, weather-resistant design guarantees long-lasting performance, making them a reliable choice for enhancing safety in high-traffic areas.

تواصل معنا

اترك رسالة تتضمن أسئلتك وسيقوم مستشارونا بالرد عليك 24 ساعات.

*نحن نحترم سريتك وجميع المعلومات محمية.

مواصفات المنتج

مقاس 84مم هو., قابلة للتخصيص
لون العنبر, أحمر, أبيض, قابلة للتخصيص
مادة أكريليك
تثبيت تم تثبيته بمسمار في الفتحة المركزية
خيار قوس الألومنيوم

كيفية استخدام المنتج

Using Optsigns led barricade light is easy and effective for increasing safety. Begin by securely attaching the led barricade light to a barricade, ensuring it is positioned at an optimal height for visibility. Turn on the LED barricade light to activate its bright LED illumination, which will signal to oncoming traffic and pedestrians about potential hazards. للحصول على أفضل النتائج, place these LED barricade lights in areas with limited visibility, such as construction zones or road closures. Regularly check the power source and clean the LED barricade light to maintain optimal performance and brightness.

نوع البطاريات المزدوجة

الأسئلة المتداولة

What are Barricade Warning Lights used for?

Flashing barricade lights are designed to enhance safety by providing clear visibility in various environments. They are commonly used at construction sites, أعمال الطرق, and public events to alert drivers and pedestrians of potential hazards and ensure effective traffic management.

What type of power source do Barricade Warning Lights require?

Flashing barricade lights are designed for low power consumption and typically operate on batteries. This ensures long-lasting illumination without frequent replacements. Be sure to check the power source before each use for optimal performance.

Are Barricade Warning Lights weather-resistant?

نعم, flashing barricade lights are built to withstand various weather conditions. Their durable, weather-resistant design ensures reliable performance in rain, ثلج, ودرجات الحرارة القصوى, مما يجعلها مناسبة للتطبيقات الداخلية والخارجية.

How bright are Barricade Warning Lights?

Flashing barricade lights utilize advanced LED technology, providing bright illumination that is easily visible from a distance. Their high visibility ensures flashing barricade lights effectively alert drivers and pedestrians, enhancing safety in high-traffic areas.

Can Barricade Warning Lights be used at night?

قطعاً! Flashing barricade lights are specifically designed for low-light conditions and are highly effective at night. Their bright LED illumination ensures that they remain visible and effective in alerting drivers and pedestrians to potential hazards.