

Poly Signs


Poly Signs

Poly Signs

Manufactured with advanced fade-resistant printing technology and waterproof design, Optsigns Poly Signs are available in many different sizes and shapes, which are widely used for hazard warning, construction site management, तट्राफिक कंट्रोल, commercial advertising, and information guide in hotels, stores, shopping malls and many other public places.


Durable PP Plastic with Long-Lasting Quality
बाहरी उपयोग के लिए यूवी प्रतिरोधी और मौसमरोधी
Anti-Scratch and Fade-Resistant Silk Screen Printing
Various Templates and Sizes are Available
Custom Eyelets for Easy Installation

उत्पाद की विशेषताएँ

Poly SignsOptsigns Poly Signs are expertly manufactured using advanced fade-resistant printing technology and a waterproof design, ensuring durability and longevity in various environments. Available in a wide range of sizes and shapes, these Poly Signs are versatile and suitable for multiple applications. Whether for hazard warnings, construction site management, तट्राफिक कंट्रोल, or commercial advertising, Poly Signs serve as an effective means of communication. Poly Signs are also ideal for providing information guides in hotels, stores, shopping malls, and other public spaces, enhancing safety and directing traffic in high-traffic areas.

संपर्क में रहो

अपने प्रश्नों के साथ एक संदेश छोड़ें और हमारे सलाहकार उत्तर देंगे 24 घंटे.

*हम आपकी गोपनीयता का सम्मान करते हैं और सभी जानकारी सुरक्षित हैं.

उत्पाद विशिष्टताएँ

Sign Size 300*225मिमी, 450*300मिमी, 600*450मिमी, 620*470मिमी, 900*600मिमी, 920*620मिमी, अनुकूलन
सामग्री PP Plastic
Thickness 1.4मिमी, अनुकूलन
रंग सफ़ेद, लाल, नीला, पीला, Green, अनुकूलन
अनुकूलित करें Custom Text and Logo
विकल्प Single or Double-Sided Printing, Rounded Corners, Eyelets

उत्पाद का उपयोग कैसे करें

Using Optsigns Poly Sign is straightforward and effective. Simply choose the appropriate sign for your specific needs, whether it’s for hazard warnings or traffic control. Place the Poly Sign in a visible location where it can easily be seen by pedestrians and drivers. For optimal results, ensure that the Poly Sign is positioned at eye level and is not obstructed by other objects. Regularly check the Poly Sign’s condition and cleanliness to maintain its visibility and effectiveness, विशेष रूप से उच्च-ट्रैफ़िक क्षेत्रों में.

Poly Signs

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों

What are Poly Signs?

Poly Signs are durable, weather-resistant signs made from high-quality plastic materials. They utilize advanced fade-resistant printing technology, making them suitable for various applications, including hazard warnings, तट्राफिक कंट्रोल, and commercial advertising, in both indoor and outdoor environments.

What materials are Poly Signs made from?

Optsigns Poly Signs are made from high-quality materials designed for durability.Poly Signs feature a waterproof construction and fade-resistant printing technology, उन्हें इनडोर और आउटडोर दोनों उपयोग के लिए उपयुक्त बनाता है.

What sizes and shapes are available for Poly Signs?

Poly Signs come in a variety of sizes and shapes to suit different applications. This versatility allows you to choose the perfect sign for hazard warnings, तट्राफिक कंट्रोल, or commercial advertising, ensuring clear communication.


Are Poly Signs suitable for outdoor use?

हाँ, Optsigns Poly Signs are designed for outdoor use. Their waterproof design and fade-resistant printing technology ensure that Poly Signs withstand various weather conditions, maintaining visibility and effectiveness over time.

How long do Poly Signs last?

Thanks to their durable materials and advanced printing technology, Poly Signs are built to last. They resist fading and damage from the elements, making them a reliable choice for long-term use in both indoor and outdoor settings.

Can Poly Signs be customized?

हाँ, Optsigns offers customization options for Poly Signs. You can tailor the design, आकार, and shape to meet your specific needs, whether for hazard warnings, advertisements, or directional signs.

How do I maintain the visibility of custom signs?

To maintain the visibility of your custom signs, regularly clean them to remove dirt and debris. इसके अतिरिक्त, ensure custom signs are positioned in clear sightlines and check for any damage or fading to keep them effective in communicating important information.