

बाड़ बाधाएँ


बाड़ बैरियर 3-बीएफ-1

बाड़ बैरियर 3-बीएफ-1

उन्नत ब्लो मोल्डिंग प्रौद्योगिकियों के साथ निर्मित, ओपीटीसाइन्स बैरियर बाड़ टिकाऊ है, पोर्टेबल, और पुन: प्रयोज्य. The plastic pedestrian barrier fence features high-intensity reflectors for increased visibility range, जिसका उपयोग निर्माण स्थलों के आसपास पैदल चलने वालों और कम गति वाले यातायात को निर्देशित करने के लिए लोकप्रिय रूप से किया जाता है, पार्किंग स्थल, अस्थायी कार्य क्षेत्र और घटनाएँ.


बढ़ी हुई स्थिरता के लिए इंटरलॉक संरचना और 360-डिग्री एडजस्टेबल बेस
आसान स्थापना और परिवहन के लिए पोर्टेबल डिज़ाइन
हिप/क्लास 1 बेहतर दृश्यता के लिए रिफ्लेक्टिव टेप
बाहरी उपयोग के लिए यूवी प्रतिरोधी और मौसमरोधी
कम रखरखाव लागत के साथ लंबे समय तक चलने वाली गुणवत्ता
कंक्रीट बाधाओं की तुलना में लागत प्रभावी

उत्पाद की विशेषताएँ

बाड़ बाधाएँThe OPTsigns plastic safety barrier fence is designed with an innovative interlock structure and 360-degree adjustable bases, ensuring superior stability across various terrains. Its lightweight and portable design make it easy to transport and install, providing an ideal solution for quick deployment at construction sites, पार्किंग स्थल, and events. हिप/क्लास 1 reflective tape ensures high visibility even in low-light conditions, making it a reliable choice for controlling pedestrian flow and managing road barrier fence setups.

UV-resistant and weatherproof, this barrier safety fence is built to withstand harsh outdoor conditions while maintaining its long-lasting quality. With lower maintenance costs and cost-effective benefits compared to traditional concrete barriers, the plastic barrier fence offers a sustainable and practical solution for businesses seeking reliable safety products from a trusted barrier fence company.

संपर्क में रहो

अपने प्रश्नों के साथ एक संदेश छोड़ें और हमारे सलाहकार उत्तर देंगे 24 घंटे.

*हम आपकी गोपनीयता का सम्मान करते हैं और सभी जानकारी सुरक्षित हैं.

उत्पाद विशिष्टताएँ

लंबाई 1950मिमी, 2000मिमी
कुल ऊंचाई 1000मिमी
सामग्री पीई
चिंतनशील फिल्म कोई नहीं, उच्च तीव्रता ग्रेड, कक्षा 1
अनुकूलित करें आकार, लोगो और फिल्म ग्रेड

का उपयोग कैसे करें

बाड़ बैरियर का उपयोग करने के लिए, first outline the area to be enclosed, like a construction zone or event perimeter. Position fence posts or barrier panels along this boundary, ensuring they’re evenly spaced and securely placed. If using panels, connect each one using built-in connectors or clips. For post-based barriers, attach the fence material to each post with zip ties or clips, keeping it taut for stability. Ensure the barrier is high and secure enough to prevent access.

बाड़ बैरियर 3-बीएफ-1

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों

What are barrier fences?

Barrier fences are temporary or permanent structures designed to control access, protect pedestrians, and guide traffic. They are often used at construction sites, events, or parking lots. Plastic barrier fences are lightweight, durable, and can be customized for various applications like crowd control barrier fences.

How to install a safety barrier fence?

To install a safety barrier fence, ensure the ground is leveled, secure posts at regular intervals, and attach the fence panels. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines, especially for construction site barrier fences.

What is the purpose of a fence barricade?

A fence barricade serves to restrict access, guide pedestrian or vehicle movement, and ensure safety at locations like construction sites and public events. Crowd control barrier fences are often used to manage people, while road fence barriers help regulate traffic.

Why do construction sites cover their fences?

Construction sites cover their fence barriers for privacy, सुरक्षा, and dust control. The covering prevents unauthorized access and reduces the visibility of ongoing work. It also enhances safety by keeping debris contained and blocking distractions to nearby traffic or pedestrians. Often, construction site barrier fences are covered with mesh or solid panels for these purposes.

What is the fence of a construction site?

The fence of a construction site is typically a construction site barrier fence used to secure the area and restrict unauthorized access. Usually made from materials like plastic, wood, or metal, this kind of safety barrier fence ensures protection for workers and the public.