

यातायात शंकु


अमेरिका ब्लैक बेस ट्रैफिक कोन्स

अमेरिका ब्लैक बेस ट्रैफिक कोन्स

उन्नत इंजेक्शन मोल्डिंग तकनीक के साथ निर्मित, OPTsigns PVC traffic cones ensure high visibility and safety of work zones, incident areas, public events and traffic control areas, providing long-term durability and resistance to fading, extreme weather and impact from vehicles. These safety cones are popularly used in the United States.


1-2 HIP Reflective Tapes for Greater Visibility
100% Flexible PVC Ensures Durability and Quick Recovery From Impact
Rugged Base Grips the Road and Prevents Tipping
बाहरी उपयोग के लिए यूवी प्रतिरोधी और मौसमरोधी
Complies with MUTCD Standards

उत्पाद की विशेषताएँ


The construction safety cones made with HIP reflective tapes offer exceptional visibility, ensuring that they stand out in various environments. साथ 100% flexible PVC, these colored traffic cones guarantee durability and quick recovery from impact, making them ideal for both road work and event management. Their rugged base grips the road effectively, preventing tipping even in adverse conditions. Designed for outdoor use, these plastic safety cones are UV resistant and weatherproof, complying with MUTCD standards to provide reliable safety in any situation.

Ideal for various applications, these traffic safety cones are perfect for managing traffic and ensuring public safety. Whether you’re looking for colored cones for a construction site or construction cones for an event, our products meet the highest quality standards. As a trusted cones supplier, we provide PVC traffic cones that are not only functional but also visually effective, enhancing safety and organization wherever they are deployed.

संपर्क में रहो

अपने प्रश्नों के साथ एक संदेश छोड़ें और हमारे सलाहकार उत्तर देंगे 24 घंटे.

*हम आपकी गोपनीयता का सम्मान करते हैं और सभी जानकारी सुरक्षित हैं.

उत्पाद विशिष्टताएँ

आकार 300मिमी, 450मिमी, 700मिमी, 900मिमी
सामग्री PVC Cone with Black Base
रंग नारंगी, Lime Green, पीला, नीला, अनुकूलन
Reflective Tape कोई नहीं, Engineering Grade, HIP, Diamond Grade
अनुकूलित करें लोगो या अंकन

अक्सर पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्नों

What do orange traffic cones mean?

Orange traffic cones are used to indicate construction zones, road work, or any area where caution is needed. They signal drivers to slow down and be aware of potential hazards, ensuring safety around construction safety cones and work crews.

What is a yellow cone for?

A yellow cone is typically used to indicate caution or to alert drivers and pedestrians to potential hazards in the area. Often employed in construction zones, मार्ग-परिवर्तन, or to mark off restricted area, yellow cones can also signal temporary changes in traffic patterns, helping to ensure safety around road and other work zones.

What do lime green cones mean?

Lime green cones often indicate a safe route for pedestrians or cyclists. They are sometimes used in construction zones to highlight areas for foot traffic, promoting safety in conjunction with traffic safety cones.

How many types of traffic cones are there?

There are several types of traffic cones, including coloured traffic cones, collapsible traffic cones,flowing base traffic cones,वगैरह. प्रत्येक प्रकार एक विशिष्ट उद्देश्य को पूरा करता है, ensuring effective communication of safety messages in various environments.

What do Americans call traffic cones?

Americans call traffic cones by many names, शामिल: traffic pylons, road cones, highway cones, सुरक्षा शंकु, construction cones, and witch’s hat. These colored cones are essential for directing traffic, अंकन खतरों, and ensuring safety in various environments, including road work and public events.