2024 OPTRAFFIC® en la feria de Holanda

Felicidades! OPTRAFFIC se complace en anunciar su exitosa participación en la reciente exposición en los Países Bajos. El evento fue una plataforma importante para mostrar nuestro equipo de tráfico., incluyendo el VMS (Señales de mensaje variables) , Señales de límite de velocidad y tableros de flechas. Estas innovadoras soluciones de gestión del tráfico atrajeron considerable atención y elogios de los asistentes., highlighting our commitment […]
Beyond Road Construction: Exploring the Multifaceted Uses of Road Traffic Cones

Road traffic cones play a crucial role in managing traffic and ensuring safety. You might think of them as tools for road construction, but their uses extend far beyond that. With an estimated 140 million traffic cones in use worldwide, these versatile tools adapt to various needs. Different applications require specific types of road traffic cones to maximize their effectiveness. Por ejemplo, road traffic cones guide vehicles safely through construction zones, while other cones manage parking lots or large events. OPTsigns is dedicated to providing reliable, high-quality tools that play an essential role in everyday applications, earning the trust of its customers.
The Origin Story: Who Invented the Traffic Cone

who invented the traffic cone?In 1940, Charles D. Scanlon, a painter, revolutionized road safety by inventing the traffic safety cones. Before this, wooden barricades …
2023 ATSSA Traffic Expo

En 2023, we attended and exhibited at the ATSSA Traffic Expo in Phoenix City, Arizona. Thank all of you for stopping by and experiencing our product features. We’re more than excited to share innovative technologies and receive feedback from users.

During March 14-18, we attended the 2023 CONEXPO in Las Vegas with our Mega Solar Light Tower and road safety equipment. Providing quality products and ensuring customer satisfaction have always been our priority.
2023 National Roads & Expo de tráfico

Congrats! At Australia’s 2023 National Roads & Expo de tráfico, we effectively wrapped up the performance. We’d like to express our heartfelt gratitude to our co-exhibitors, business partners, colleagues, and to all who put in great effort to this show.